Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well...I was trying to think of something that I would like to write about on a weekly basis.
Well I love the show Lost and I like to throw out my theories to whomever wants to hear.
So here goes.
Last night...
Big night...the others are for sure part of the Dharma deailo. Not that big of a shocker...the makeup and such...that was pretty interesting.
I thought one interesting thing was the whole idea of the word GOOD being used so much.
Claire used it...Ethan used it...The Others have used it before...
Also the Others seem to target "good" people alot. We have to wonder about everyone's definition of GOOD and how that will mean different things to different people.
Are the Others actually good because they are trying to accomplish something good even though they may appear evil with some of their actions. Sort of an ends justify the means. Compare to our view of the Allied powers in WWII. We view the allies as the "good" guys but what about the sheer destruction of entire cities in Germany and Japan...I am not talking about the a-bomb in japan but the firebombings of major cities that produced more casualties than the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. I divulge but perhaps we see the Others from a tainted perspective...They are doing some evil but there may be a purpose to it all.
However perhaps the Others sees themselves as GOOD because they are carrying out experiements that in their mind are GOOD (akin to US Army use of LSD on troops, or Nazi medical experiements) but are in fact evil.
that is that...


At 2:51 PM, Blogger sarahww said...

You know what I think? I think there are two groups of "Others" -- the others in the Ethan camp, probably there as part of the Dharma Intiative, and then, another group, the ones that whisper and walk barefoot through the jungle.

Determing which (if either) are "good" is the question.


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