Friday, October 21, 2005

Autumn Blagg, Randy Moss and Clara Allen

Well poor little Autumn was not feeling very good last night or the night before. We believe it is allergies so Chrystel went on a crusade against the dust bunnnies and other such allergy causing fiends in the new house. It is amazing how dirty a new house can get....also when you dont have carpet, dirt really can't hide. We have laminate flooring. Anyway...hopefully the little sucker is feeling better. I hate it when she is all sniffly and congested. She woke up while we were watching the tevoed Invasion. I know, I can't believe I am still watching it as payoff as of yet...if it is about aliens...we need to see some aliens. I went upstairs and got her and held her....she fell asleep cuddled against me. I dont think there is a better feeling in the world.
Randy Moss...of course you aren't going to play this weekend. My dad and I get tickets months in advance and if you are to miss any game of course make it Blagg Day Out. It will still be great but...the one marquee player they have...he gets injured the game before. Makes me sad.
Clara Allen is the name of our new kitty. I adopted her here at Coulterville. She just made it in time because I will no longer be here...the interview i wrote about a while back went well...i have the position over in mariposa now. Well that is enough for now...i have some things to do to get ready for the new person.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Seriously said...

We just got a dog. Hope your Daughter's feeling better.


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